Friday, 15 April 2011

Shinigami have their fun...

..when it comes to car crashes. On my way home last night, about 10:30, I heard a giant "crash" and a heart-stopping scream. I went to investigate and a car had ended up smashing into railings, knocking over 3 concrete bollards. It wasn't pretty.

Luckily though I don't think the two souls inside the car died, but the ambulance was called and police did snoop around. They shouldn't have been gunning it down on that street, it was inevitable I suppose- "accidents happen."

Oh, By the way, If you don't know what a Shinigami is, look it up on Urban Dictionary or some sort of new-fangled website like that.  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Lucky escape! A few years ago some twit crashed into the wall across the road (if the car swerved in the other direction...! Mind you with this place, who'd know! Haha)

    Anyway, unfortunately there are those who think they own the roads...The good news is that they have more likely chances of learning their errors the hardest ways possible.

    And because of the post, I now say the following with twice the meaning; do take care! XXX
